This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Ask for support
- Be happy
- Be calm and relaxed
- Be proud of yourself for coming this far
- Be confident
- Be free to make your own choices
- Be the driver of your life
- Be the designer of your future
- Control how you react to situations
- Crying is okay
- Change your mind
- Choose to focus on things you can control
- Every problem has a solution
- Feel good
- Feel safe
- Get through this time of your life
- Get respect and love
- Get rest
- Heal depression
- Life is beautiful and worth living
- Today is a new day
- No one is like you
- Accept all of your emotions
- Emotions are not good or bad; they are messengers
- It is okay to ask for help
- It is okay to be scared (accept negative emotions)
- It is okay to slow down
- It is okay to choose a simpler path
- It is okay to make mistakes
- Learn from mistakes
- Love yourself
- Overcome depression
- Today is a new day
- There is always hope
- Treat yourself with compassion
- Small steps toward recovery are still steps
- Trust your recovery journey
- This, too, shall pass
- Trust yourself to get better
- You are allowed to make mistakes
- You are allowed to talk about it
- Your life is worth living
- You are important
- You are hopeful
- You can do this
- Your voice matters
- You’re enough
- You’re okay
- You’re unique
- Your opinions matter
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
65 Healing Affirmations For Depression - Subliminal