This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Choose to feel calm
- Choose positive and nurturing thoughts
- You are right where you need to be
- Do the best that you can
- Forgive yourself
- Release the past
- Look forward to a happy bright future
- Feel safe and in control
- You have done this before, and you can do it again
- This too shall pass
- Be strong
- Trust yourself
- Be capable
- Take things one day at a time
- Inhale peace and exhale worry
- This feeling is only temporary
- Feel loved and accepted
- Be at ease when talking to other people
- You are different and unique, and that is OK
- Feel safe in the company of others
- Love and be loved
- Let go of control and focus on joy
- You are not your anxiety
- You like yourself and that is enough
- Reduce your anxiety easily and quickly
- Focus your energy on your values, not your anxiety
- Have the strength to move beyond your anxiety
- Be in charge of your breathing
- Cultivate inner calm
- Be present in this moment
- Inhale the good and exhale the bad
- Be confident in everything that you do
- Do the best you can
- Be brave
- Be strong
- You are OK
- You can move past this moment
- Be in charge
- Be calm and relaxed
- You are enough
- Love and forgive yourself
- Release the past and embrace the present
- Handle whatever comes your way
- Feel safe and protected in the here and now
- Choose to be happy
- See the beauty in your surroundings
- Perfect health
- Be resilient
- Get through any difficult time
- Believe in yourself
- Accept yourself
- Love yourself
- Don’t judge myself
- Don’t compare yourself to others
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Anxiety Relief and Stress Reduction - Subliminal