This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Become a telepathic
- Be aligned to the universal consciousness
- Be telepathically attuned to others
- Be able to speak directly into a person's mind
- Be able to listen to a person's thoughts
- Be able to read and understand a person's mind
- Telepathy is easy
- Telepathy is simple
- Telepathy is natural
- Activate psychic powers
- Feel other people's emotions
- Sense what others are thinking
- Focused and relaxed mind
- Open your mind
- Fully expand your awareness
- Perceive subtle forces
- Read people’s energies
- Allow your telepathic power to grow
- Instantly grow your telepathic powers
- Safely grow your telepathic powers
- Naturally tune into others thoughts
- Each day become more telepathic
- Open your third eye
- Develop a sixth sense
- Finely-tuned sixth sense
- Expand your awareness beyond your own self
- Perceive what others are thinking
- Feel thankful for being a telepathic
- Develop your telepathic powers instantly
- Believe 100% in your telepathic abilities
- Feel other people's moods
- Tap into unseen forces easily
- Have a highly developed intuition
- Have infinitely strong telepathic abilities
- Telepathic powers are a normal part of your life
- Totally open your mind to universal energy
- Convince people with the power of your mind
- Transform people with the power of your mind
- Persuade with the power of your mind
- Easily use telepathy in daily life
- Easily project your thoughts to other people's minds
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Be a Telepathic - Subliminal