This subliminal contains positive suggestions for:
- Always motivated to take positive action
- Make the most pro-active use of your time
- Be prepared and ready to get to work
- Be prepared for any problems which may arise
- Be productive at all times
- Make things happen
- Make wise decisions whenever required
- Talk less and do more
- Think less and take action more
- Be ready for anything life dishes out
- Be prepared for any and all difficulties that arise today
- Be always prepared
- Be always prepared for every contingency
- Be always prepared for the unexpected
- Be always prepared for whatever lies ahead
- Be ready to tackle any issue that arises today
- Be ready to take on all challenges today
- Plan for the unexpected
- Be ready to take on any obstacles that arise
- Be planned for all contingencies
- You are successful because you get things done
- Be always ready to jump into action
- Control your future by the positive choices you make today
- Have the power to take action towards your goals
- Live your life by choice, not by chance
- Dictate your future by the positive actions you take today
- Don’t wait for things to happen - make them happen!
- Eagerly anticipate the outcomes of your positive actions
- Be inspired to take action every day
- Everything you do has a positive influence on your future
- Adjust and improve your action plan at every opportunity
- Act on all inspirations as they are received
- Act right now like the person I dream of becoming
- Always know what all your options are
- Be ready for whatever happens
- Perfect foresight
- When something needs to be done, you do it
- When the impulse is there, you act!
- When things need doing, you get down to business
- Act purposefully and make things happen
- Take positive action towards your goals every day
- Every night take time to plan the next day
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Be Proactive - Subliminal