This subliminal contains positive suggestions for:
- Become the creator of your reality
- Reality is a reflection of your internal state
- Hold the key to reality
- Rewrite your story easily
- Assume the highest and best
- Know your desire is already accomplished
- If you can feel it, you can have it
- Always assume the best
- Instantly have what you want
- Dare to assume
- Assume and receive
- Be the author of your story
- If you can feel it, you can manifest it
- What you want already exists in your reality
- Your assumptions serve your highest good
- Shape your assumptions to your liking
- Your reality reflects your beliefs
- You deserve all the good things in life
- Anything is possible
- Your desires are accomplished
- What you can feel, is already your
- Your reality is what your consciousness says
- Believe your assumptions are true
- Have the power to assume the best
- Immune to negative energy
- Thrive no matter your circumstances
- Become fearless
- What you assume will manifest
- Become bold to assume
- Hold the key to your manifestation
- Become powerful, strong and persistent
- Allow all you desire to come to you
- Feel your desires manifested
- Deflect all opposing energies
- The physical senses obeys your consciousness
- Be ready for a positive shift in your life
- Let go of holdbacks
- Embrace your new self
- Shape your assumptions
- Receive your assumptions
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Dare to Assume (The Law of Assumption) - Subliminal