This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Be strong willed
- Be a confident individual
- Be well respected and appreciated
- Be able to face anything that is bothering you
- Be able to face your problems
- Be able to handle any problem
- Be self sufficient
- Be clever
- Be strong enough to face criticism
- Be emboldened by your own inner strength
- Be level headed and relaxed
- Be composed and articulate
- Become a strong, independent spirit
- Believe in yourself
- Handle yourself well in situations involving others
- Engage in confrontations when you want to continue the relationship
- Do what you need to do to be happy
- Unshakable confidence
- Confront the problem with confidence
- Trust yourself to do the right thing
- Take charge of the issue
- Learn to face your fears
- Hold yourself with a manner of importance
- Stop holding yourself back from confronting your fears
- Take control of your life
- Have faith in my confrontation courage
- Deal with confrontation all the time
- Have no troubles confronting people
- Nothing stands in the way of your happiness
- Turn confrontations into meaningful discussions
- Deal with your problems on a daily basis
- Confronting your issues is not a big deal
- Deal with problems in a composed, intelligent manner
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Dealing with Confrontation - Subliminal