This subliminal contains positive affirmations and 888 Hz to get:
- Attract money everywhere you go
- Attract money naturally
- Be open to the best things in life
- Be open and ready receive money
- The universe always serves your highest interest
- Always have enough money to fulfill your needs
- Easy life
- Luxurious life
- Money is your friend
- Your bank account is filled with money
- Accept financial success
- Make unlimited money
- Constant flow of money
- The more you enjoy life, the more you make money
- Always get whatever you need
- Enjoy making money
- Strive to have fun in every aspect of your work
- Whatever activities you perform make money for you
- Money flows to you easily, frequently, and abundantly
- There is enough for everyone
- Have an endless supply of cash
- The more you contribute for others the more money you make
- Have a source of financial flow
Benefits of 888 Hz:
- Infinite abundance
- Financial prosperity
- Remove blockages
- Activate the law of attraction
- Manifest miracles
- Manifest dreams (Desires)
- Infinite possibilities
- Blessings of the universe
- Attract luck
- Connect with the universal source of abundance
- Success
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Endless Supply of Cash (Affirmations + 888 Hz)