This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Expand your awareness of the world around you
- Experience life with all your senses
- Slow down and enjoy the details of life
- Endless magical moments
- Be observant of your surroundings
- Flexible and ever expanding awareness
- Increase awareness every day
- Live in the present
- Be always centered
- Be alert and present in every moment
- Be alive and aware in the present now
- Always focused in the moment
- Always mindful of your environment
- Be here, and now
- Improve the quality of your life
- Be in control of everything you do and say
- Be in control of your own thinking
- Be in touch with your inner self
- Use all your senses to experience life
- Open your senses to the wonders that life offers
- Live in total awareness of the world around you
- Pay close attention to the world around you
- Put mindful attention into all you do
- Live in the moment and give it your full attention
- Focus your conscious thinking in the present
- Fully appreciate all the wonders in your life
- Give your full attention to everything you experience
- Appreciate the simple details of living
- Know exactly what’s going on at all times
- Enjoy life's small wonders
- Exercise all your senses in everything you do
- Expand your mindfulness at every opportunity
- Appreciate life's small treasures
- Appreciate the tiny details of life
- All your senses are alive and aware
- All your senses are finely tuned into this moment
- All your senses are observant of your surroundings
- Be observant and aware at all times
- Be sensitive to others around you
- Be mindful and present in all that you do
- Be keenly focused in the present at all times
- Be fully awake to what’s happening around you
- Be conscious and aware at all times
- Be mindful of the people in your life
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
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Expand Your Mindfulness - Subliminal