This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Become free of anger towards your parents
- Be a happy person
- Be a good person
- Forgive your parents
- Go with the flow and forgive naturally
- Forgiveness is blessing
- Follow “Live and let live” philosophy
- Go beyond your own limitations and judgements
- Forgive them, whether they deserve it or not
- Feel safe and free
- Make peace with the past
- You are capable of healing
- Learn and grow every day
- Approach yourself with patience and understanding
- Love, compassion, and peace
- Forgive yourself for your past decisions and actions
- Let go of the things that have happened in the past
- A more forgiving side of yourself is emerging
- Acknowledge and learn from your mistakes in the past
- Be thankful to your parents for bringing you into this world
- Be on good terms with your parents
- Find it easy to forgive your parents
- Let go of the past and move on
- Learn to forgive your parents
- Become more forgiving
- Self-care is a top priority for you
- Excellent relationship with your parents
- Be on good terms with your parents
- The mistakes your parents have made have only made you stronger
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Forgive Your Parents - Subliminal