This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Have a long-lasting, happy, satisfying relationship with your partner.
- Be in a loving, committed, strong relationship with your partner.
- Accept each other's strengths and weaknesses.
- Spend quality time together.
- Feel loved, cherished, and secure in your relationship.
- You deserve to love and be loved.
- Respect and appreciate your partner.
- Feel comfortable expressing your feelings and needs to your partner.
- Communicate well with each other.
- Be loved and cherished for who you are.
- View things from your partner's perspective.
- Go out of your way to support each other.
- Be in a healthy relationship.
- Feel comfortable and safe together.
- Love, trust, and respect your partner.
- Your partner loves, trusts, and respects you.
- A great level of trust in your relationship.
- Your partner makes the right choices.
- Trust each other completely.
- Have full confidence in your partner.
- Spend intimate moments with your partner.
- Resolve your conflicts in a peaceful and respectful way.
- Be faithful and loyal to each other.
- Feel inspired to improve yourself for this relationship.
- Support each other to become successful individuals.
- Love your partner, always and forever.
- Communicate your needs effectively to your partner.
- Have a profound respect for your partner.
- Draw healthy boundaries.
- Improve your relationship every single day.
- Communicate clearly with your partner.
- Vocalize your needs to your partner.
- Be an amazing spouse.
- Be honest and open with your partner about your relationship.
- Take your partner’s feelings seriously.
- Create a happy healthy relationship.
- Your partner's happiness is one of your top priorities.
- Naturally notice and fulfil each other's needs.
- Find happiness in your relationship.
- Be in a loving and lasting relationship.
- Feel comfortable being yourself in the relationship.
- Treat your relationship with care and attention.
- Feel free to reveal your true self to your partner.
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
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Grow Your Love Together - Subliminal