This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Be a man of your words
- Your word is law
- Only accept those urges that support your desires
- Optimism and enthusiasm
- Persist and persevere – no matter what
- Great inner strength and fortitude
- Press on towards your goals, no matter what
- Fully in control of all that you do
- Keep on track
- Be in charge of your life
- In control of everything you say and do
- Be the captain of your life
- Be the master of your life
- Well-organized in every area of your life
- Willing to do whatever it takes
- Control all impulses in your life
- Control the direction of your thoughts
- Crave only that which you have made your goal
- Be self-restraint in all that you do
- Face all challenges with keen resolve
- Finish all tasks that you start
- Complete control over your actions
- Complete control over Your habits
- Incredible self-control
- Strong and powerful will
- Stronger willpower than any temptation
- Relentless willpower
- Always make the correct choices
- Self-discipline is a natural phenomenon for you
- Nothing can stop you
- Have a laser focus
- Achieve your goals
- Great control over Your impulse
- Use your time wisely
- Become highly productive
- Make good use of your time
- A highly focused mind
- Learn discipline from nature
- Overcome obstacles
- Plan your work and work on your plans
- Create results
- Keep Your space clean and clear
- Nothing can distract you from your goals
- Focus on the process, not just the outcome
- Finish all tasks that you start
- Have the discipline to accomplish your goals
- Be very clear about your goals
- Attract success
- Get things done right away
- Focus on things you can control
- Give 100% to everything you do
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
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Increase Self Discipline To Achieve Greater Success - Subliminal