This subliminal contains positive suggestions for:
- Be clear on what you want to manifest
- Feel the emotions of the fulfilment of your desire
- Visualize your desires as if they are manifested into reality
- Write down your desired scenes to bring more clarity
- Every night get yourself in a relaxed state and visualize your desired future scene in your mind
- Give the scene tones of reality
- Focus on how you would feel, what you would see, hear, touch and taste
- Make the scene as detailed as you can
- Catch the feeling easily
- Replay this scene over and over again until you go to sleep
- Frequent repetition of the scene rewires your subconscious mind
- Manifest your dreams faster
- Release your desires to the womb of the creation
- Stop caring about HOW it’s going to happen
- Stop caring about WHEN it’s going to happen
- Put your faith in the universe
- Stay in the end state as much as possible
- Savour the feelings of your desire fulfilled
- Ignore the current reality and focus on your desires
- Visualize your dreams again and again
- Stay energetically connected with your desired future
- Think from the end
- Become the future version of you right now
- Stay in a happy joyful state
- Feel gratitude in advance
- Feel thankful as if your wish has already come into reality
- Be connected to the energy of gratitude
- Universe always give you the best
- Create future scenes of you enjoying your desired life
- The current reality is old news
- Remove all the resistance by assuming the end state
- Have a belief that it is going to happen
- This subliminal rewires your brain with the feelings of the future
- Living in the end makes your faith in the universe stronger
- I become detached from the current reality by living in the end
- Manifest desires effortlessly
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Live in the End - Subliminal