This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Allow your splendid uniqueness to shine in the world
- Be a unique expression of life
- Be charismatic and upbeat
- Have a charming personality
- Have a flexible personality
- Have a magnetic personality
- Have a pleasing personality
- Be charming and appealing to others
- Be easy going and fun to be around
- Be forever charming and amiable
- Be great fun to be around
- Embrace your wonderful uniqueness
- Have special gifts and talents that make you unique
- Recognize and am grateful for your individuality
- See yourself as special and unique
- Be one in a million
- Your charming personality draws others to you
- Your charming personality draws others towards you
- Your charming personality puts everyone at ease
- Your magnetic personality draws others towards you
- Get along well with people
- Be a unique individual
- People find you enchanting
- People find you fascinating
- People find you fun to be with
- People find you interesting to talk to
- People like being around you
- People love spending time with you
- People see you as a positive personality and force
- Be always yourself no matter what company you keep
- Draw others towards you with your pleasant personality
- Your uniqueness is appreciated
- Attract people naturally
- Be great fun to be with
- Be inquisitive, fun-loving, and spontaneous
- Be your own person
- Be yourself at all times
- Be proud to be different
- Be unique and have your own personal style
- Be very witty
- Connect with others easily
- Dare to be yourself at all times
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Magnetic Personality - Subliminal