This subliminal contains positive affirmations to make people like you:
- Be a popular and happy individual
- Easily make friends
- Cherished by everyone
- Loved and cared
- Good with everyone around you
- Social skills
- Make people happy just by being around them
- Good at making others smile
- Be an optimist
- Universe is sending amazing friends to your life
- Be confident and very helpful
- Helping people and get help from people
- Choose your friends wisely
- Feel good about yourself
- Be self assured and self reliant
- Be trustworthy
- Be a loyal friend
- Be straight forward and fair
- Brilliant personality
- Be the leader of your friendship group
- Enjoy being with friends
- Be inspirational
- People wish the best for you
- Wish only the best for others
- Make other people happy with your presence
- Become more popular every day
- Be comfortable in being yourself
- Be worthy of admiration
- Be appreciated for your loyalty
- Learn to show your positivity
- Deserve the best experiences in life
- Be an optimist
- Naturally magnetic personality
- Self esteem
- Become a well rounded person
- Respected among your peers
- Deserve people’s love, empathy and trust
- Be extremely reliable
- Be a beautiful person
- Find it easier to make friends
- Stop judging others
- Your opinion matters to everyone around
- Be a love magnet
- Other people love being around you
- People gravitate towards you as you are so positive
- Enjoy being the center of attention
- Other people respect you
- People like your presence
- Be inspirational
- People get motivated by your words
- Make friends easily
- Be confident
- Attract others with your personality
- Naturally attract friends
- Clients flock towards you
- Clients like your work and love your dedication
- People like the way you work
- Attract new clients every day
- Always rewarded for your hard work
- Enjoy sharing your personality with others
- Have a good friendship group
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Make People Like You - Subliminal