This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Feel secure in who you are
- Do the things you love
- Believe in yourself
- Love yourself
- Be honest with yourself
- You are equal to your peers
- Naturally immune from jealousy
- People care about what you have to say
- You are important to others
- Don't care what people think of you
- Your opinion matters
- Your voice matters
- Your feelings matter
- Your opinions are important
- Set clear boundaries
- High self esteem
- Feel good about yourself
- Strong self-belief
- Be special and unique
- Have something different to offer
- You are as important as anyone else
- Be exactly the person you want to be
- Believe in yourself and your abilities
- Love and accept yourself
- Be unique
- Worthy of love
- You don't need to impress anyone
- Have a loving and supportive partner
- Completely trust your relationship with your partner
- Feel safe and secure in your relationship
- Be good at what you do
- Focus on yourself
- Concentrate on improving yourself
- Become independent
- See yourself more accurately
- Be confident with what you do and say
- Stop being afraid to be yourself
- Co-workers appreciate you
- Boss respects you
- Get better at your job
- Easily overcome any hard or challenging situation
- Easily find a solution to any problem you encounter
- Make good decisions that will positively affect your life
- Be the creator or my destiny
- Get rid of fear
- Be brave
- Be a great person
- Be a strong-minded individual
- See the world for what it is
- Be original
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Stop Feeling Insecure - Subliminal