This subliminal contains positive affirmations to Stop Maladaptive Daydreaming:
- Focus on reality.
- Listen to your conscientious thoughts.
- Take action.
- Be happy with reality.
- Easily control your imagination.
- Accept new opportunities.
- Think creatively.
- Monitor how much you daydream.
- Resist the urge to daydream when alone.
- Enjoy the company of other people.
- Be a logical thinker.
- Get things done on time.
- Be a hard worker.
- Use visualization to achieve real goals.
- Concentrate on real life.
- Stop excessive daydreaming.
- Stop letting fantasies overcrowd your life.
- Get your head out of the clouds.
- Be successful in your personal endeavours.
- Stop procrastinating.
- Be productive.
- Achieve your personal goals.
- Resist the urge to daydream when stressed.
- Resist the urge to daydream when alone.
- Accomplish anything you set your mind to.
- Real life is interesting and exciting.
- Naturally control your wandering mind.
- Keep your travelling thoughts at bay.
- Simply know when to return to real life.
- Be naturally awake and alert.
- Have a strong sense of reality.
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
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Stop Maladaptive Daydreaming - Subliminal