This subliminal contains positive affirmations + 12 Hz
- Become Free from porn
- Grow Self-worth grows
- Grow stronger in your resolve
- Reject exploitation
- Restore energy
- Self-improvement
- Honor your body, avoid addiction
- Goals matter more than momentary pleasure
- Resilience beats the grip of addiction
- Healthy outlets replace stress-induced choices
- Thoughts and actions under your control
- No more porn; be in control
- Choose Self-respect over fleeting pleasures
- Choose mental clarity over indulgence
- Grow strength
- Reclaim time, energy, purity and well-being
- Real connections matter more than artificial stimuli
- Focus on growth, not indulgence
- Quit destructive habits
- Stress relief without harmful escapes
- Self-respect guides your choices
- Be in control of your desires
- No more excuses, no more addiction
- Each day, choose freedom
- Be stronger than your urges
- Prioritize a healthy mind
- Progress, not perfection, is your aim
- Build a porn-free future
- Today, choose self-control
Benefits of 12 Hz Alpha Binaural
- Intense focus
- Become fully immersed in whatever you are doing
- Ecstasy
- Clarity
- Feel motivated
- Reduces distractions
- Intense, focused concentration on a specific task
- Increased engagement in your work
- Increased creativity
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Stop Porn Addiction And Masturbation (Affirmations + 12 Hz)