This subliminal contains positive affirmations to stop stuttering
- Stop stuttering.
- Overcome stammering.
- Stay calm.
- Speak clearly.
- Form words properly.
- Slow and deep breathing
- Let the words flow from your mouth.
- Become more confident about speaking.
- Stay relaxed when speaking to people.
- Remain positive and focused on speaking well.
- Be in control of your speech.
- Speak in a relaxed and confident manner.
- Be in full control of your body and voice.
- Relaxed face and mouth.
- Pronounce words effortlessly.
- Words come to you naturally.
- Be relaxed and open.
- People enjoy listening to your talk.
- Truly enjoy talking.
- Communicate confidently.
- Have control over your speech.
- Be a confident speaker.
- Be a great communicator.
- Be an excellent speaker.
- Be comfortable speaking to others.
- Chat easily to people you haven’t met before.
- Express yourself with ease.
- Express yourself clearly and easily.
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Stop Stuttering - Subliminal