This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Easily quit sugar
- Release the need for sugar
- Be in control of your food choices
- Be in control of what you eat
- Always choose healthy food
- Say no to sweets
- Avoid sugary food
- Dislike the taste of sugary food
- Become free from sugar cravings
- Avoid food with added sugar
- Quit drinks with added sugar
- Enjoy getting sweetness from foods naturally
- Choose fruits and vegetables
- Choose natural food
- Have a healthy and balanced diet
- Respect your body
- Love and nourish your body
- Take care of your body and mind
- Be stronger than your urges
- Overcome sugar addiction
- Have power over your impulses
- Quit eating sugar easily
- Easily resist sugar
- Eating healthy is your priority
- Let go of the need for sweets
- Control your need for sugar
- Strong determination to stop eating sugar
- Healthy and balanced diet
- Take good care of your body
- Crave fresh and healthy food
- Become a healthy person
- Improve your overall health every day
- Be in control of your food choices
- Choose healthy food
- Choose fruits and vegetables
- Choose natural food
- Choose whole foods instead of sweet things
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Stop Sugar Cravings - Subliminal