This subliminal contains positive affirmations + 174 Hz
- Vibrant and Resilient Nervous System
- Fostering Harmony within Neural Pathways
- Releasing Tension for Optimal Functioning
- Gratitude for Health and Vitality
- Embracing Relaxation for Soothing
- Perfect Harmony with Body
- Sending Healing Energy to Nervous System
- Releasing Shoulder and Neck Tension
- Relaxed Shoulders and Freedom from Pain
- Openness to Healing Energy for Aches
- Trust in Body's Healing Abilities
- Resilient Nerves for Overall Well-being
- Letting Go of Stress in Muscles and Nerves
- Tune into Natural Rhythm of Nervous System
- Radiating Health and Vitality in Every Cell
- Gratefulness for Strong and Healthy Nervous System
- Allowing Peace to Flow Through Nerves
- Journey of Healing and Renewal
- Thriving and Relaxing Nervous System
- Calmness and Ease
Benefits of 174 Hz
- Pain relief
- Stress Reduction
- Body Healing
- Improved Sleep
- Emotional Balance
- Enhanced Meditation
- Physical Relaxation
- Harmonizing Energy
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Strong Nervous System and Holistic Wellness (Affirmations + 174 Hz)