This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Accept complete responsibility for everything in your life
- Accept complete responsibility for your actions, attitude, beliefs, emotions and thoughts
- Accept financial abundance
- Accept life as a delightful experience
- Accept life without judgment or criticism
- Accept yourself completely and unconditionally
- Accept yourself totally
- Accept only positive possibilities
- Accept all comments you receive as compliments
- Accept all things as they are
- Accept others exactly as they are
- Accept and appreciate your current situation
- Accept apologies with compassion
- Accept the world the way it is
- Learn to accept others as they are
- Be open to receive all good things into your life
- Be open to the gifts of the universe
- Be totally at peace with your past
- Choose to experience this moment, just as it is
- Choose to feel good about yourself
- Accept the generosity of others
- Easily and graciously accept compliments
- Express your love for humanity
- Give yourself permission to be powerful
- Accept that which is for your highest good
- You are good enough to have the life you want
- Love and accept yourself as you are right now
- Totally accept yourself and all others
- Totally accept those things beyond your control
- Trust the flow and processes of your life
- Unconditionally accept everyone you meet as they are
- Unconditionally accept the chosen reality of others
- It is alright to have your own beliefs
- Life is okay the way it is right now
- Open your mind to all possibilities
- The universe accepts you just as you are
- With love and acceptance, you easily change and grow
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Total Acceptance - Subliminal