This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Have confidence in your intuition
- Be a courageous person
- Let go of doubts
- Feel safe and protected
- Cope with difficulties
- Thrive in uncertain times
- Embrace the future
- Trust that you are safe
- Life is full of possibilities
- Have everything that you need
- Embrace each day with confidence
- Embrace yourself with courage
- Welcome each new day
- Believe that most people have good intentions
- Love getting to know people well
- Choose peace and trust
- Make good decisions
- Make smart choices
- Reach your goals
- Build your self-esteem each day
- Breathe fear out; breathe trust in
- Believe that life is a joyful adventure
- Inner security
- Attracts friends
- Handle uncertainty
- Life is an adventure
- Release tension and enjoy each day
- Have confidence in yourself
- Be deeply grounded in trust
- Trust is a risk worth taking
- Courage and confidence
- Faith and trust
- People care for you, and you care for them
- Always do your best
- Be completely capable
- Everything will work out well for you
- Go forward with energy and trust
- Be whole and well at this moment
- Be thankful to be here
- Be glad to be a trustworthy person
- Be thankful for who you are right now
- Completely accept yourself
- Keep yourself safe
- Time is on your side
- Release fear and accept love
- Be exactly who you are meant to be
- Trust in the course of your life
- Your life is moving into the light
- Have faith in your future
- Freedom from the fear of the unknown
- Be satisfied with your life
- You deserve to be happy
- Be connected to other people
- Cope with the everyday stress of life
- Move through your life with energy and trust
- Trust the path your life is taking
- Give your energy to joy and trust
- Be connected to other people
- Trust in your own hard work
- Respect and protect yourself
- Your relationships make you stronger
- All is well at this moment
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
Trust Yourself - Subliminal