This subliminal contains positive affirmations to win any debate:
- Be a debating champion
- Win any debate
- Be full of confidence in a calm way
- Keep composure
- Improve your debating skills
- Do full Preparation of your topic
- Stay on topic
- Speak slowly, clearly, and charismatically
- Be confident with your topic
- Use proper body language
- Logical thinking
- Listen and take notes
- Anticipate your opponents' questions before they come
- Tell a story or give an illustration with an example to make your point
- Use a strong conclusion
- Look at your audience and opponents in their faces
- Use your arms to talk
- Smile where appropriate
- Keep a relaxed posture
- Be a naturally gifted debater
- Excellent debating skills
- Have a clear understanding of the subject
- Speak clearly and powerfully
- Stay calm and on topic
- Research your subject thoroughly
- Know how to get your point across
- Make a strong case to support your argument
- Enjoy debating
- Debate with confidence and poise
- Debating is a team game
- Give your argument a clear structure
- Be a good listener
- Listen carefully to the other team and think
- about how to respond to their arguments
- Be the best debater
- Work hard to improve after every debate
- Take other people’s ideas seriously
- Don’t dismiss others as silly
- Understand why they have that belief, and how they are arguing for it
- Make a good beginning, a middle and an end
- Spend time with your team thinking about how you will introduce and conclude your speech
- Use examples to support your argument
- Both winning and losing can be
- fun, as long as you have the right attitude
- Be a positive member of your team
- Support others and celebrate everyone’s successes
- Speak clearly and concisely
- Talk fast enough to have the time to deliver your speech
- Talk slow enough so you can be understood
- Project your voice to the back of the room
- Incorporate dramatic pauses
- Emphasize important words and vary your tone appropriately
- Have a relaxed pose and posture
- Avoid filler words
- Know your material
- Emphasize using gestures
- Avoid nervous gestures
- Maintain eye contact with the audience
- Keep your language simple to avoid confusion
- Avoid Falsifying, making up or altering evidence
- Attack an idea rather than a speaker
- Avoid Acting aggressively or offensively towards debaters, judges, audience etc
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
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Win Any Debate - Subliminal